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Hoss HD 60 Electric/Hydraulic Skid Mounted Double Drum- Tested!!!


Skid:  48” W  X 120” L  X 72” H


First layer line pull, cable diameter, drum cable capacity:

Top drum:  60,000# line pull at stall with 1” Cable &  1500’ Drum capacity

Bottom drum:  Same as top drum


Line speed:   On top drum: 1st layer:  60 FPM     Top layer:  140 FPM 

On Bottom drum:   Same as top drum


Brakes:  Multi Disc/spring applied


Hydraulic Power Unit:

Motor: 60 HP TEFC 220/440 Volt 3 Phase Marine duty . DIESEL POWER IS OPTIONAL.

Hydraulic pump:   Gear Type Pump 

Hydraulic Tank:  350 Gallon Steel 


General comments:

  1.  Slower speeds can be achieved by controlling the hydraulic valves which control the hydraulic flow to the winches.

  2. Power in and out on both drums for cable feed or pull.

  3. Winch drums, hydraulic power unit and hydraulic oil tank will all be mounted on the skid.

  4.  Winch will be load tested to minimum 60,000# single line pull on both drums first layer line pull.

  5. Each winch is independently mounted into the main frame and could be removed to operate independently if that need should arise.

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